Nearing Retirement
There comes a point in time when you realize that retirement is closer than you think. When the calendar (or your internal body clock) starts to say that within 5 or 10 years it’s time to hang up the gloves, there are a number of plans and decisions to be made as you get your financial house in order. Helping you to create a retirement plan that allows you to sleep at night with peace of mind and confidence is what we do best. Let’s get the conversation started!
If you’re turning 71 this year, you will have to convert your RRSPs to a RRIF (on annuity) before the end of the year. Find out what the lower minimum withdrawals introduced in the 2015 Federal Budget means to you.

We take a look at the whole picture, balance all of the competing priorities - your retirement lifestyle, your business or personal assets, your need for income, your family’s special needs, your health –– and provide a practical approach to making your retirement dreams come alive.
A winning financial game plan is not glamourous, it’s just common sense. For more information or to set up an appointment to discuss your dreams, please feel free to contact our office.